Business Makers Network

Contact Information

Full name*
Phone number*
Company Name*
Company Website*
Job Title*
Preferred Social Media Handle:
List your industry (i.e. manufacturing, tech, etc...)*
Estimate Annual Revenue (This is important for placing you in your peer group)*
Membership fees will be the funding mechanism for this network, and will be based off annual revenue. What makes sense to you? *
What are your goals for joining this feisty business network? *
We also have a peer group for key employees. The goal for this group, is to bring in subject matter experts on a monthly basis and provide an avenue of discipleship and challenge your key employees to further develop their business acumen. They have to be referred by their C-level executive. Please list any key employee that your company would like to pay for access to this network, as we will reach out to you with on introduction request in a followup email. 

Invest in Yourself, Your Business, and the Kingdom

Cancel anytime within the first 30 days if it’s not the right fit.


This group is for employees. So if you work for big tech, but need encouragment from our Business Makers Network, sign up now!

$1000$500/per year

50% off the first year – March only!

Green Membership

This group is for Start-ups and Entrepreneurs, basically companies less than three yrs old, and will pay an annual membership fee of $1500. Access will include your peer group, read-only access to the group above you, and all the cascading peer groups you choose to access.

$1,500$750/per year

50% off the first year – March only!

Blue Membership

CEO's that manage $5M and under, will pay annual membership fee of $2500. Access will include your peer group, read only access to the group above you, and all the cascading peer groups you choose to access.

$2,500$1,250/per year

50% off the first year – March only!

Red Membership

CEO's that manage over $5M to $10M, will pay annual membership fee of $5K. Access will include your peer group, read only access to the group above you, and all the cascading peer groups you choose to access.

$5,000$2,500/per year

50% off the first year – March only!

Black Diamond Membership

CEO's that manage over $10M to $20M, will pay annual membership fee of $10K. Access will include your peer group, read only access to the group above you, and all the cascading peer groups you choose to access.

$10,000$5,000/per year

50% off the first year – March only!

Double Diamond Membership

CEO's that manage over $20M over, will pay annual membership fee of $20K. Access will include your peer group and all the cascading peer groups you choose to access.

$20,000$10,000/per year

50% off the first year – March only!

Black Diamond Membership

CEO's that manage over $10M to $20M, will pay annual membership fee of $10K. Access will include your peer group, read only access to the group above you, and all the cascading peer groups you choose to access.

$10,000/per year

Double Diamond Membership

CEO's that manage over $20M over, will pay annual membership fee of $20K. Access will include your peer group and all the cascading peer groups you choose to access.

$20,000/per year